A festive centerpiece for an oblong holiday table, this bouquet contains roses, miniature carnations, lilies, pepperberries, silver dollar eucalyptus, ming fern, douglas fir, pine and birch twigs. Some nuts and cones have been added for interest. |
A basket arrangement of blooming cyclamen plants accented with douglas fir, pine, ming fern and birch branches, opulent red roses, fragrant miniature carnations lily buds and gold french-wired ribbon. I call this a "Welcome Home for the Holidays" basket, and like to suggest keeping one near the front door welcome mat, to cheer visitors as they arrive to your home. | | |
A fragrant swag of evergreen branches, topped with a trio of fresh red roses. Intertwined in the swag are garlands of mixed nuts, large pinecones, pepperberries , birch branches and shimmering gold mesh ribbon. | |
This modern centerpiece in a square moss planter features coiled bronze art-wire, a moss orb, red roses, white hydrangea agonis foliage, equisetum, and hypericum berries. |
A simple centerpiece for a bistro table-- noble fir, green hypericum, hydrangea, gardenia leaves, and a red rose arranged in a crimson mercury glass lantern, accented with gold ribbon. |
These are just a few of the designs I've created this December, for corporate events, holiday parties, and homes. I hope you enjoy them.
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