Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two cakes. One with a florist, one without.. You decide...

This five-tiered wedding cake was the labor-of-love of  a bride's friends.  In fact, they were so emotionally attached to the cake, that they dared not let me touch it.  I provided a bucket full of lilies, tulips, genistra, leptospermum, and gently draping deflexus sprengeri, and they chose what they wanted.  Later on, I stealthily added tiny sprigs of Ming fern to soften their tulip insertions, and then filled in around the base of my 18" silver cake stand.  Pretty, don't you think?

The cake below was set up by the baker who then departed, leaving me to do whatever I wanted with the fresh flowers.   To the bottom left of the cake is the bridal bouquet, collared with white ostrich plumes.  My personal opinion is that a professional floral designer can do wonders with cake flowers.  If that's an option for you, please allow your designer to do their magic!

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